Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Has Arrived...NOT!

I just had to chuckle this morning when I woke up and looked outside. Oh my! The winter we thought we had avoided, has come after all. 

I know many of you have had snowy winters so the news of eight inches overnight is not too impressive. But this is the most snow we've had all winter! And it comes on the the day before "Spring" is officially here...funny.

Claire had taken some pictures on the week-end of the bulbs that are coming up in my rock garden. Now those pretty blooms are covered in snow! They were pretty while they lasted.

But "Happy Spring" anyway...it will be back here eventually!

1 comment:

  1. Connie,

    Oh, I'm so happy for you to get your snow. Hope Claire and the boys enjoy the brief time they can spend out playing in the white stuff! Maybe now Caleb can get out the new snowboard and let it rip.

