Such good gifts from the Lord these past 12 days!
** Visiting Tyler at Moody, meeting his friends, seeing his room, being in his world - d
** Having my mom and dad come for a week, morning breakfasts together, daily Starbucks, shopping trips, downtown Chicago to see Tyler and the city, lots of good talks - wonderful!
** Grace Church of DuPage's 25th anniversary, seeing many friends, a special evening with all the missionary women and Grace Church ladies, singing in the choir, an evening of celebrating all that has happened in and through the church - memorable!
** Lunches, dinners, coffee and tea with good friends - thankful!
** Did I mention daily Starbucks??!! HA! Thanks to my dad, I got my fill of pumpkin spice lattes every day! You're the best, Dad!!
Our days were filled to the brim while we were there. Most days we left the house after breakfast and didn't return until late in the evening. But I wouldn't have it any other way!
We feel full, nourished, blessed, and loved. Thank you to all who made our time in Chicago special and memorable!!