A few months ago we got an e-mail from a missionary here in Czech, asking if any of our kids would be able, available and/or interested in participating in a service project in Opava, about an hour away from where we live. They were in need of translators for the six day project that would take place there.
With Tyler getting ready for his graduation exams, and Claire not old enough yet to do it, that left Caleb who was very interested in taking part in it...especially when he heard who it would be with!
It was a joint project being run by Malachi and MCYM, the two organizations that do ministry with American military kids. If you've known us for long, you know that Dave started and led Malachi Ministries for almost ten years before we came here to Czech! How cool is that...our son getting to participate in something that his dad started?!

The other great thing about it was the opportunity for Caleb to bridge his two worlds! He got to be with American teenagers for a week, use his skills in the Czech langauge as a translator, and particpate in a ministry opportunity of sharing the love of Christ in word and deed!
He served as a translator at an elementary school where the American students were in English classes sharing about American culture, working on a building project for the school, and leading after school clubs with over a hundred kids. One of the afternoons they were even able to share the Gospel, which Caleb got to translate from English into Czech - something he really enjoyed doing!
Another highlight for Caleb was meeting up with Dan Meyers, an MK that we knew from our days in Cadence when he was still a teenager living with his folks as they ran a hospitality house in England!
Now Dan's a musician/evangelist reaching out to the military throughout the world...and here he was in Czech at this service project, leading worship for their evening programs! Caleb was really impacted by Dan...and it meant the world to us to get to see him the evening we visited!
I love how the Lord wove together our two worlds of ministry, and gave Caleb a really special experience in those two connected worlds!
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