Friday, July 23, 2010

Thanks Tyler

After yesterday's frustration with Blogger I went to the best source I knew for help...Tyler! Thankfully he had a free day today so we both got on Skype (him in Croatia, me in Czech...gotta love technology when it works!) and he walked me through how to fix my problem.

Turns out I didn't have the latest version of Blogger...thus the problems with my pictures. I love when it's that easy!

Before I got a hold of him, I did a whole bunch of internet searching to see if there was somewhere else to house my blog. While there are other places (and I even signed up and tried two other ones just to see how they worked!), I think I'll stay with Blogger for now. Hopefully the updated version will allow me to do what I want with photos, and just keep on blogging about life here!

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