Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Friend, Pam

One of the greatest blessings of my life are the wise, godly people God has used to impact me.

While we were in Portland in June, I got to spend two different occasions with one of those dear people.

I met Pam Reeve in 1985 when she was dean of women at Multnomah School of the Bible (now called Multnomah University). Though I was attending the school, I didn't meet her as a student.

I met her as the cleaning lady. My on-campus job was to clean the administrative offices each evening after the professors and office personnel went home. But Pam never left on time! I'd wait to clean her office last, giving her a chance to finish her work...but inevitably, she was still there when I came into clean.

As I tried to clean while she was still at her desk, she would engage me in conversation...and soon, our relationship became more than just the dean and the cleaning lady. How precious those minutes (that sometimes turned into hours) were to me then.

Our friendship has now spanned 26 years, and she is still a very dear woman in my life, who has spoken deep words of meaningful encouragement to me on many occasions., even here in Czech when she came to visit some years ago. 

At 94 (or is it 95? I can never remember...she's ageless to me!), she is one of the spriest, wittiest, and most importantly, godliest, women I know. I am deeply privileged and thankful to call her a friend.

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