Monday, September 28, 2015

Blue Skies

As fall weather begins its descent here in Czech, you can no longer take blue skies for granted.

We can go week upon week without seeing that color in the sky once fall fully settles in. And then there's winter where we see it even less!

Thus the crisp blue skies in Prague this week-end were a delight.

I rounded the corner onto Wenceslas Square on Sunday morning, completely taken aback by the ray of sunlight that danced off the clouds, highlighting the blue sky. I'd had my head down, thinking about something else as I walked. But as soon as I turned my head and saw that sight, I reached for my phone to capture it. Definitely a "wow" moment.

Standing in the same spot I turned around to face the other way and caught this pretty view.

Aw Prague! So lovely in any season, but especially in the fall when the blue is so brilliant.

Back at home in Frydlant, I took Kaylee out for a walk this afternoon and encountered the same blue sky.

Magnificent! I kept her out for a walk longer than I'd intended (which she didn't mind...more time to sniff every bush along the way!), just so I could soak up the beauty. I stayed out until the sunlight faded, then walked back home.

Gray skies are coming so I'm tucking away these blue sky pictures and memories for those colder, darker days.

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