Monday, October 5, 2020

Paying Attention to Nudges

This afternoon I was doing what I would call, "minding my business", as in getting work done at the computer from my kitchen table. 

All of a sudden I literally had a nudge to go outside. Yes, I'd seen a bit of sun peek through, but I was in the middle of work so hadn't really paid attention (probably should have!). But when the nudge came quickly again, I got up without thinking too much and went outside.

Good thing!

We've lived here sixteen years and I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a rainbow seemingly right in our backyard!

And just when I thought it couldn't get any more beautiful...this appeared!

Wow! It was breathtaking! 

I stood there until the light faded - which was only about five minutes. If I hadn't paid attention to the nudge, I would've missed this. 

It made me wonder how many times I've missed something literally, or not, "right outside the door". 

Oh Lord, make me more attentive to your nudges!!

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