Sunday, September 11, 2011

H20 Grand Opening

Six years ago, a camp and conference center in Poland was purchased and named H20 because of all the different kinds of water around it. But most importantly...because of the living water that would be offered there for years to come.

The JV Poland team has literally spent years of their lives, investing time, energy, sweat, money and prayer into this have thousands of others who have volunteered themselves and given generously through the years.

Today was the culmination of all that heartfelt effort!

It was the grand opening of the renovated H20!

Nearly 300 guests, some even from the States, gathered this afternoon to celebrate the goodness of God and His great provision for this amazing facility.

It was a joy-filled day, especially for Greg Carlson (shown with his daughter, Kelsey), our JV Poland country leader who has stood in faith for this project all these years, along with his team.

We are celebrating God's goodness tonight, in another step forward towards reaching the young generation for Christ here in Central and Eastern Europe!

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