Thursday, September 18, 2014

Making Progress in the Village

While it may look serene in the photo, it's a beehive of activity up at the Malenovice village this week.

As I wrote on Monday, we bought a tent in order to have enough room for everyone to be together for our fall conference that starts next week.

There's a crew working inside the tent, laying the flooring and building the stage, as well as getting ready to install the heating. Yes, this tent will stay warm even if the weather changes!

There is another crew at work on landscaping, who happens to be taking a break in the photo below, but trust me, they're hard at work and making progress! It's looking so spiffy up there.

I don't remember which year our friend and JV teammate, Petr Bozon, acquired this old bell from the Catholic church in Frydlant, but it's always been our intention to make a special place for it in the village.

Finally it's happening! Hopefully it'll be in place by the time conference starts.

Can't imagine how they'll move it as it literally weighs about a ton. It'll sure look great there though.

People start arriving on Saturday for JV Council and special team meetings, with everyone coming in by Monday afternoon so we can start conference that evening. All 282 of us!

This place will really be humming in just a few days.

1 comment:

  1. But really, the tent doesn't look too bad! Yay! Hope it's a good conference!
