Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Waiting for Baby Brother

The excitement of being at Papa and Nonnie's house was palpable this morning. 

Wake up time came at 5:45 AM! Who wouldn't want to be up that early on such a big day?!

Judah and Asher are here with us while Tyler and Lara were headed to the hospital this morning to have baby boy number 3.

Won't it be something when all three boys are sitting here at our kitchen table?! 

One of the benefits of being up so early is seeing an absolutely breathtaking sunrise. 

Papa was not as early of a riser as the boys were, but was full of hugs when he came downstairs to join us. 

Tea for the boys, and coffee for me (along with a snack already!) made for sweet playroom time before 8 AM.

And then it was downstairs for creative box time with crayons!

We got the news of their baby brother's arrival just after time in the box, and before cards in Papa and Nonnie's room!

But I'll save that news for its own blog post! We did have a celebratory dinner in baby brother's honor.

And finished up the day with "Piano and Papa" time!

Their lives will never be the same after today. Most likely Judah will remember the day this brother was born, but for Asher (who is 3 1/2), he might never remember a time WITHOUT his little brother in his life. What fun these three boys are going to have together!

But in any case, we had a wonderful time with Judah and Asher on this day that their baby brother was born!

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