Friday, October 7, 2011

Time for a Ball

For the past two years in October, we've gone to a special event here in Frydlant.

Claire had one last year and Caleb had it the year before.

It's the ball for high school students who are taking dance class here in Frydlant. 

There were a record number of students at this year's class here in Frydlant. The dance floor was full!

It's such a fun event, being with friends like JV missionaries, Rob and Audrey Chestnut...

...and our dear Ashley Ross, the JV Kid care person...but mostly, a friend to all of us!

I loved seeing kids we've known for years...

...sharing smiles and laughs with my son...

...and seeing Caleb and Claire together...with Ash in the background! :)

Who doesn't love an event like this?! This happens across the Czech Republic, where high schoolers take dance lessons for ten weeks and have two balls where they get to show what they've learned to parents and friends.

Tonight was the "halfway" ball.

The next one will be in November.

I'm already looking forward to that one!

...because it's still one of my favorite cultural events here in Czech!

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