Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Official!!

After a train ride back from Prague, dinner at home, and watching a movie, it had been a long day for me.

But it quickly livened up when Claire said to Dave and I, "Well, I guess I should tell you that I got something important in my email today".

Funny girl! I can't believe she waited that long to say something!

The email had arrived at 7, before I'd gotten home. When she saw that she had something, she closed her computer to wait until I was there too.

Sweet girl!

She actually didn't want to just read it on email - it's not as fun as getting a letter. So I went to my computer, without my glasses on (can't see a thing without them), found the letter and printed it. Then wrote her name on an envelope, put the letter in, sealed it, and delivered it to her so she'd have something official to open.

And there it was - the good news!!

"We're delighted to inform you..."'s official. Our girl is going to Moody Bible Institute in the fall of 2013!

Years ago when we dreamed and thought about our kids going to college, I sure never thought that all three would end up at the same school, much less that it would be Moody.

But truly, we are delighted with the choice they have each made on their own. Each of them know for themselves that God has planted this desire in them to study the Word and head towards ministry.

Moody is certainly one of the best places to get a great education if you want to study those areas.

That makes us crazy happy!

Caleb was in the air flying back to Chicago and Moody that very day, but Tyler and Lara were still in Chattanooga, before leaving the next morning to head back there. So Claire got to call them with the good news.

As Claire starts her first semester at Moody next fall, Tyler will be entering his last semester. So actually all three Patty kids will be enrolled at Moody for one semester. How cool is that?!

There is no greater joy than seeing our kids walk with the Lord.

And I guess we'll be going to Chicago now and then to see all of our kids! :)

For Claire's blog post about this momentous occasion, go here.


  1. This is so great !!! God is so good and what a blessing to have all your kids in one school for the time being. Congrats to you Claire!

  2. It is so great to see Claire's excitement at hearing the news! She has been working so diligently at her studies to make this dream a reality. Could she be the first Patty to graduate from Moody with a 4.0 GPA?
