Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Very Special Birthday

If you were taking a guess, how old would you say this man is?

This is Dave's dad, Dick Patty, and today he is celebrating his 90th birthday here in Europe! And look where he hiked just a few days before turning 90!!

After being with us on the island of Hvar, he and mom traveled up to Slovenia for a few days, then to Austria for a Cadence conference, and now they are back in Ljubljana at our brother and sister-in-law's house for the big day.

There are so many things I love and admire about my father-in-law: his love for God, his knowledge of the Bible, his love for his family, his tenacity in life, and his sense of adventure, his continued desire to learn and grow.

Oh, and I love that he raised such a godly, wonderful and precious son! :)

Dad had a great celebration, which started at the Cadence conference where they had a special party for him on Friday night, and presented him with a book full of letters from many past and present missionaries. A treasure for sure!

This afternoon dad enjoyed a gift with his youngest son, Josh.

A ride up in a glider that Josh was piloting. What an awesome 90th birthday celebration!

See what I mean about my father-in-law enjoying adventure?

Then this evening we ended his birthday celebration with a family Skype birthday party of family members from Colorado, Boston, Portland, Croatia and Slovenia. Not everyone could be on, but it was fun with those who could!

I'm thankful for my father-in-law and the faithful, faith-filled life he's lived. It's a legacy to our family, and to many throughout the world.



  1. So wonderful!!! Jim so enjoyed seeing Dick and Margaret at the Cadence celebation on Austria! What a blessing they have been to our lives. I doubt Jim and I would have ever gotten married without their godly counsel in our lives! So thankful for them!

  2. So so wonderful. What a great celebration several times over!!

  3. What a testament of a life well lived! So wonderful!!

  4. Such a wonderful celebration! I have been so blessed to have him and the rest of the family in my life these past 46 years!

  5. Connie! You said it so well! Thank you for capturing this all in one place!
