Monday, June 15, 2015

Arrival and Departure

We arrived home Saturday night, after driving through the worst thunderstorm I've ever experienced! 

I happened to be the one driving when it hit and couldn't find a place to pull off for nearly 60 km. Harrowing doesn't even begin to explain how crazy that storm was. Sure felt good to safely arrive at home, albeit at midnight - much later than expected.

Dave preached at our church yesterday morning from a passage in Nehemiah 8, ending with an "instant party" like they did when the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem were finished. We also celebrated the unanimous vote to call a pastor to our church! We're delighted that God brought Jirka and his wife, Nikol, to our church family.

After finishing many details at home, we left for Kraków at nearly midnight (a lot of late night driving these days!) so we could be at the airport for our flights today. Dave didn't get much sleep as his flight left at 6:30. I'm on a later one so got to sleep in!

We'll meet up in Chicago later today.

Dave's computer has been in repair for two weeks so he's traveling with mine today, thus I'm blogging from my phone again! If all goes according to plan I'll meet up with one of our JV teammates who is bringing it to the airport so I can take it with me. 

Life: Always an adventure! 

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