Sunday, April 22, 2018

Getting Real

We finished KPM conference today in Slovakia.

What a powerful week-end with these 600 youth leaders from around the country!

All week-end we were in sessions, seminars and personal talks focused on spiritual gifts and being God's workmanship created in Christ for good works that he's planned in advance for us.

Dave and I had countless conversations and times of prayer with young men and women who are seeking to be used by God to impact their country with their gifts and talents.

The conference ended with a meaningful visual of what it looks like when we all use our gifts to benefit the body of Christ.

All week-end there's been a "Lego man" on stage. Made of styrofoam, he's had different lighting on him as part of the theme decor for conference. But today he got real!

Upon entering the conference hall this morning, each person was given a different colored piece of paper with no explanation. After the last teaching session, they were instructed to come up and place their piece of paper on the Lego man to symbolize their unique part in the body of Christ, and to demonstrate that it takes all of us to make a complete picture.

As these youth leaders now return home to their youth groups, I pray they'll be encouraged by what they learned about themselves this week-end, and put into practice more effectively their part in the bigger picture of discipling young people to faith in Christ.

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