Friday, July 11, 2014

It's Historic!

Tomorrow, through these doors, and many others throughout Central and Eastern Europe, something amazing will happen.

Students will arrive to spend a week at Josiah Venture English, Sports and Fusion camps all over the region, in countries like Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Latvia and the Czech Republic.

They'll play games, build relationships, learn English, do sports, sing songs, eat ice cream, take hikes, and stay up late because that's what you do at camp.

But most importantly, they'll hear the Gospel. And have an opportunity to put their faith in Jesus.

While they're at camp, we'll pray and I hope you will too. We LONG to see revival in these areas of the world where so few know Jesus.

But this is not just an ordinary week of camps led by our Josiah Venture team.

Tomorrow, after twenty years, our 1000th summer camp begins!

I feel super emotional about that. When we held that first camp twenty years ago here in Czech, we never imagined that someday we'd be celebrating 1000 of them. What an amazing tool camps have been for the Gospel to be shared with young people across this region.

Rejoice with us! And enjoy this short video celebrating God's work in the lives of thousands who've attended camps these past twenty years. Be sure to click on the link at the end to read Dave's update about it.

And most importantly, pray with us for all the students arriving at camp tomorrow, that many more would believe and put their trust in Christ.

Our 1000th Camp from Josiah Venture on Vimeo.

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