Monday, July 20, 2015

25 Today

This mama is wishing her firstborn son a happy 25th birthday today!

I'm not exactly sure where time went since he celebrated his first birthday in our home in St. Leon, Germany. If you have grown children you know how it seems like yesterday on one hand, and yet so long ago on the other!

After a quick search today I found birthday number two, celebrated at my parent's house in Issaquah, Washington. Who is that blonde little fellow?! Makes me wonder if his soon-to-be-born son will have that same blonde hair!

A lover of music from long ago, that first cassette tape player, a gift for his second birthday, brought a lot of entertainment back in the day.

As did Pongo and matching pajamas!

But it was Pooh and friends who kept him company in those early days before siblings.

Life definitely became more entertaining when those siblings arrived!!

While they all get to do life together in Chicago during the school year, they're not together today to celebrate his birthday (though Claire was with him last night before flying home today!).

And of course we don't get to be with him either. Sniff sniff! Birthday celebrations were always a big deal in our family when the kids were growing up, and even this morning I had the feeling that I should've put up the traditional balloons in the kitchen to say 'Happy Birthday Tyler!'

"But our hearts are with you today, dear son! We are incredibly delighted by the man of God you have become, proud of you as a husband, thankful that you love God's Word, and excited that in this 25th year of life you will become a dad and know what it feels like to hold your firstborn!"

We LOVE YOU!!! Happy Birthday Tyler!!!

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