Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Birthday Celebration

What's a girl to do on her birthday but hang out in the garden on a cool fall evening, eating tomatoes from the greenhouse with her nephew?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

We celebrated Claire's 24th birthday yesterday, with Tyler, Lara and family here at our house. The boys certainly made the birthday a happy event...they love their Aunty Claire!

Anyone see the little dancing man in the background?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The garden and greenhouse have been an endless source of entertainment for the boys ever since May. They love going out there every time they come to Papa and Nonnie's house, to see the next thing they can pick and eat right off the vine!

Today it was tiny red and yellow tomatoes from the greenhouse, and peppers from the garden beds! What a gift it's been to have a garden again.

While we were outside our neighbor lady stopped by and wished Claire a proper Czech greeting for her birthday!

Ashe wasn't quite sure what to think about that!

Meanwhile inside, Tyler and Lara were cooking up a storm for Claire's birthday dinner!

On at least one of her birthdays while they were all living in Chicago, they made her an Israeli dinner, so she had requested that again, and they were happy to do it. I was happy they did it too!

And what a good feast it was! Israeli meatballs spiced just right, tomato and cucumber salad with mint, rice pilaf with raisins, pumpkin seeds and Israeli spices, and tzatziki to dip it all in. I could seriously have that meal every week.

Earlier in the day I'd made cake for Claire's birthday, this flourless fresh tangerine cake.

It is one of the simplest, yet most creative and delicious cakes I've tasted! Claire discovered the recipe a year ago and had baked one for us. Now I got to return the favor!

The boys were very much in to Claire having a birthday! In fact, Judah picked out a present for her all by himself...and did a fantastic job! He's got good taste in earrings.

They both were very enthusiastic "present openers" and joined in whole heartedly with finding out what Claire had received for her birthday.

Tyler and Lara planned to spend the night, so we went upstairs to play in the room the boys sleep in before it was bedtime. Judah took another one of his famous photos (sorry Asher!).

After the boys were in bed, Caleb and Haley called from Albania to join in on our tradition of "giving words" on a birthday - saying what we love, appreciate, notice or enjoy about a person. It was sweet to feel like they were right in the room (as they had been just a few weeks ago when here for JV conference!).

What a sweet evening with family, celebrating our Claire on her 24th birthday!

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