Monday, May 7, 2012

JVK Lunch Song

We finished our JV spring conference yesterday - what an absolutely amazing time we had together and with the Lord!!

There were so many highlights...

** Dave's teaching on "Found By Your Father" - absolutely tranformational

** Deep connections with people - there is nothing like this JV family to spend time with, that's for sure

** Time in prayer, seeking the Father heart of God - wow! Some beautiful things happened in our lives during those times

** Incredible worship led by our teenage JV Kids and Ben Cooper (a songwriter and friend of JV from Nashville)

 ** An outstanding JVK program for our school age kids led by Korban and Tanya Miller from Ft. Wayne, Indiana

** Family Day at the circus - a special performance in Ostrava done just for the 200+ JV family on Friday afternoon!

** Excellent child care for our 50+ little ones (ages 5 years and under!) provided for the 11th year in a row by Rae Larson and his team from Scottsdale Bible in Arizona.

And on and on it goes! If there was one event that I wish you all could peek in on, it would be this conference. It is really a remarkable time of seeing God work in our midst.

Saturday at lunch we were treated to a JVK flash mob - wish you could've been there for that as well! ENJOY!

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