Thursday, February 20, 2020

At Home with Charlie

Dave and I arrived back from the States this past Saturday, to Caleb, Haley and Charlie who are still waiting at our house for the birth of their baby girl!

Her due date is this Saturday, February 22 so we'll see if she decides to make her entrance then, or not!

In the meantime, we're enjoying all the snuggles and sweet time together with them living here, away from their home in Albania where they live and serve with JV.

Charlie, 2 1/2, is a bundle of fun, joy, energy, and talking with lots and lots of long sentences!

This is a such a special time of getting to be with him day after day, listening to all that he has to say about his world and people he loves.

He's got quite an interest in drawing too, and spends lots of time with his Leap Frog pad (an amazing gift from his Grandpa and Mimi!) where he can draw endless pictures. Can you tell what this one was??

He said, "That's you, Nonnie!" Can you see my long hair?! 

I'm quite behind on my blogging**...where oh where do the days go?! Hopefully sometime I'll catch up on our last week in the States, and since we arrived back home.

But until then, I'm moving forward with what's happening these days!

**I caught up!**

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