Sunday, February 2, 2020

Warmth in Winter

From now on when I think of what Psalm 149:4 says about how the Lord delights in us, his people, I'm going to remember this look on Dave's dad's face as he was listening to Dave share in a Sunday School class at Bethany EV Free church this morning. 

Isn't that just the best look on his face?! Pure love and joy over his son!

After Dave shared, everyone spent time in prayer for us and for JV, led in a creative way that the head of the mission's committee instructed - Dave prayed for a subject, and then the people prayed in small groups, about the same thing, all out loud. It was super powerful listening to these sweet aromas of prayer being lifted up.

Afterwards I was talking with various people, and found out that these ladies pray regularly (even nightly) for us, and we didn't even know! Thank you dear Jean and Becky for standing in the gap for us through your faithful prayers.

I could say the same to Dave's dad and mom...thank you for faithfully praying for us all these years, and for living godly lives that are such an example to us!

There are so many faith-filled people in this church that Dave grew up in - people who have loved, prayed and cared for our family all these years, like Glenn and Carole.

Our lives are different because you have prayed and stood with us through the years. Thank you so much Glenn and Carole, for your amazing investment into us, our kids, and into God's work across our region of the world !!

After church, we followed Patty/Schroeder/Hendry tradition and went out for lunch with everyone.

Thank you for this photo Joyce!

 While there I got to take a picture with my red glasses twin, my great niece Rilyn!

Qdoba never tastes as good as it does when we're there with family!

This Colorado winter day was anything but winter in its temperature! Can you believe this??

But do you see the weather that's coming? That's Colorado for you!

I asked our nephew, Blake, who lives here with dad and mom (his Grandpa and Nana) if he could take a few pictures of us on this gorgeous day.

Blake, who grew up in Slovenia as a JV missionary kid, graduated from Wheaton College last spring, and chose to move here to begin his post-college life. He commutes downtown to Denver for his job, but cheerfully helps out Grandpa and Nana when he's at home here.

There were so many heart-warming moments these past two days, getting to be with family and soak in time together especially with dad and mom.

So thankful to the Lord for warmth, literally and figuratively, here in Denver this week-end!

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