Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Family Day in Jackson

After wondering if we'd make it into Jackson, Wyoming from Denver because of weather, it was with very grateful hearts that we woke up here after arriving last night.

There is nothing like that view of the Tetons to make your heart soar with gladness over God's creation!

While we're here to visit our friends, Dave got to take advantage of his Christmas present from them, and have a day of skiing with their daughter, Ginger, who's been on skis since she was two and knows the mountains like the back of her hand!

God graciously gave them an incredibly beautiful day up on the mountain, where despite some icy conditions, they had an absolutely fantastic day of skiing together!

In the meantime, I had a super special day with Ginger's mom and my dear friend, Polly, praying together and spending time with each other as we love to do.

She had us over to their house for dinner tonight, so we could spend time with the rest of their kids.

Sarah, our god-daughter, is becoming quite a good cellist, with incredible tone in her playing. Dave knows because he played cello in high school (and still can play!).

Her brother, Thatcher, is a violinist and played excellently as well!

I missed getting photos of their older brother, and of our friend, Polly! But I did get one of their beloved Chego who is such a great dog!

It's always such a delight spending time with this dear family, who are family to us!

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