Sunday, June 28, 2020

Joey and Hannah: Wedding Day

Many years ago, while vacationing on the island of Hvar with our three vacation families, Ellenwood's, Hash's and Patty's, the three adult women had a conversation with our three girls about weddings, and even the possibility of having a wedding there one day.

It was Hannah, the Ellenwood's oldest daughter, who said, "I'd love to get married on Hvar someday!"

That didn't end up happening.

Instead, she was married in California today! But when I told her I'd be here on Hvar on her wedding day she replied, "Then I'm kind of getting married there after all!"

As with many other weddings these days, the majority of us who would've been there are instead online for Hannah and Joey's wedding today. Because it was an evening wedding in California, it started at 3 AM for me here on Hvar this morning!

But oh how I wouldn't have missed at least being here online for this precious young woman whom I've loved since she was just a little girl!

Her dad walked her down the aisle, sat by Amy for a bit, and then came back up to give the wedding sermon before turning it back over to their pastor to lead them through their vows.

I have been to a lot of weddings, but have to say - this one was the most tender of them all! Their vows, their smiles, their tears, and their intentionality in every part of the ceremony made it such sacred, holy ground.

The wedding was held in the backyard of Joey's parent's house, where he grew up. This was not the place where they planned or expected to hold their wedding, and in fact was about Plan K (rather than just Plan B!).

But in the end, it was so perfect.

Although there were so many things that didn't turn out like they expected (not least of which was Hannah's brother, Noah and his wife, Jill, unable to come from Montenegro because of coronavirus), there was an exquisite beauty about their wedding that only comes through surrender to God for his perfect will and plan.

Joey and Hannah did that SO well. And God blessed them deeply for it.

I cried so much watching their wedding! I cried tears of sadness for not getting to be there (in normal circumstances I would have flown to California for it), but mostly I cried tears of joy for God's bringing together of this special couple, and their willingness to lay down all of their plans, and receive God's best plan for their wedding. I know He must have been smiling over them for that! I truly believe that they have set a precedence for their lives as a married couple (submission and obedience) that will bring great blessing to them for years and years to come.

As the wedding finished, sunrise was happening here on Hvar, where Hannah had once dreamed of getting married.

What God had for her and Joey there in California was so much better because it was fully God's plan being worked out!

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