Sunday, December 18, 2016

Morning Goodbye

While we were getting a few hours of sleep before an early morning departure, our little buddy wasn't having such a good night.

Our dear grandson, Judah, woke up pretty sick this morning with a bad cold and cough. He kindly indulged his Papa and Nonnie with goodbye hugs, kisses and photos though.

Before we left, I wanted one last picture of us all to mark these two very special days together. Very likely this has been our last time to gather in Chicago as from now on, no Patty's will be living here.

What a strange thought as we've had at least one, if not all three, of our kids living here since 2009! These have been such formative and meaningful years here for all of them. I thank the Lord for the beautiful work He's done in our kids' lives during their Chicago years.

Apologies to everyone as I know you'd had short nights. I still think you all look amazing! Oh how good, to the very last minute, it was to be with you.

Dave, Claire and I headed out to the airport on icy roads, but made it safely to O'Hare Airport for our morning flight, the first of three as we head back across the ocean.

It's been a while since we've had the joy of traveling with our girl! Thankful that we get to spend some time with her now.

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