Friday, December 2, 2016

Fun with Mom and Dad

With only a few days left before my mom and dad leave for home, we ran into Ostrava today to do a few errands and have one last Starbucks together!

The evening found us at Mel and Amy Ellenwood's for our annual JV iTeam Christmas party.

We were missing many of our teammates for various reasons like home assignments in the States (two families are gone), a new baby (who arrived on Wednesday this week!), and a leadership conference in Poland (that's why Dave is missing). And two couples had already gone home before we took the picture because of babysitters needing to be relieved!

But it was sure nice to be together with those who could be there. And also nice to have my mom and dad meet and spend time with more of our dear teammates who we serve with.

It helped too that we had a photographer to capture the group photo.

While she took a picture of us, I took a picture of her!

I love how much my mom and dad have been able to experience of our lives and ministry here!

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