Sunday, January 5, 2014


Yesterday I was outside without a coat, soaking in the warmth of a sunny Colorado day that saw 60 (just heard it was really 65!) degrees on the thermometer.

What a different world we woke up to this morning.

But on this last day here in Englewood, it was the perfect way to end my time here: a walk down to see my sister-in-law in the morning, on snow covered streets.

Back to her familiar, warm, and cozy house.

Greeted by their sweet Addie dog, a family member for twelve years.

A cup of hot, tasty coffee from the awesome machine that family and friends gave to her for her 50th birthday...

And we were good to go for a nice, long chat curled up on the couch in the quiet of her home, just being sisters like we have been for oh so many years.

These are the moments that make me miss living near family, being able to pop over for coffee and just live normal life together.


"I loved being with you this morning Joyce!"

It's been so good to be here for these weeks, soaking in our precious family. I am deeply thankful for the gift they are to me.

Starting to feel a little melancholy as I headed back to the house we're staying in, I couldn't help but laugh just a minute later at the geese who had settled in on the hill, and right on the road, to wait out the snowstorm (normally they live in the pond nearby).

Content with what they have (and don't have), it reminded me to be content with what I have too. I have so much to be content with!

As we head out tomorrow for our next location, I am carrying a heart full of rich memories from our time here.

Even though I will miss what is here, I am content, and even looking forward to what's ahead too.


  1. My heart has been full for all of you as you have had this time together, the stories told and the new stories made to be told the next time you are all together. Precious memories for you all. I don't think I have seen a single picture of Dick and Margaret that they haven't been grinning ear to ear.

  2. What an incredibly sweet scene to picture. Love you both much!
