Sunday, March 3, 2019

Good Father's Perspective

This afternoon I find myself high in the air, with a view to the ground that gives me perspective.

Nearly seven months ago, the Lord put something on my heart that brought about this day.

Who but the Lord could have arranged it? As my friend Martina says, "...our Father is like a gazillion steps ahead of us, working and planning on our behalf. He's truly a good good, loving Father!"

I agree! He sees all of time, backward and forward, and knows our needs infinitely more than we do.

I had to laugh today as this truth played out in the tiniest of ways.

I landed in Vienna and had a nearly 4 hour layover before heading on to my final destination. There is a drink here in Austria that I love, called Almdudler. I wanted to buy it at the first airport shop I passed by, but knew I'd be going through security and couldn't have liquid with me so didn't, thinking I wouldn't get to have it this time.

But a half hour later, when I came into the lounge to wait, there they had it...and in a glass bottle (it's much better that way than in plastic!)

The Lord makes me laugh so often, reminding me that HE'S GOT THIS!!

I watched people come and go in the lounge, until I was literally the last person in there (the man in the picture above got up and left right after I snapped that shot, leaving me in peaceful silence for nearly an hour!).

And then it was time for another flight, one that had been arranged all those months ago.

You see, seven months ago I asked someone very dear to me if I could offer her two weeks with me in Croatia, to give her a "soul spa" after many years of laying her life down for the sake of the Gospel, her family and many others.

And now, here I am in my beloved Croatia, also in need of some soul care.

All those months ago I thought the Lord's instructions to offer myself and this time were mainly for my friend. But now perspective shows me that the Lord knew my needs too.

Indeed, He is a very good, good Father. My heart and soul rests in that truth.

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