Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Family in Vienna

After a morning of doctor's appointments in Vienna, Tyler, Lara, Judah, Asher and I headed downtown to Stephansplatz, the square surrounding St. Stephen’s, the huge cathedral that dominates the pedestrian area at Vienna’s heart.

The posed picture in front of the cathedral is nice...but this one just makes my heart happy. Aw, real life!!

We all needed lunch, and bratwurst and hot dogs was on the wish list! Good thing I've been here enough times to know the place to go.

We then wandered back over to the Christmas market around the cathedral.

The boys had been so good up to this point, enduring the cold and all the walking (not to mention the two hours of doctor's appointments, and the little outing Tyler, Asher and I did) but by this time of the afternoon, they knew it was time to head for home.

So I got one last picture of them before hugs goodbye. What a special day being in Vienna with family!

Dave finished up his meetings these evening with the leadership team for GYI, who sat for two and a half days in this same spot in the hotel, talking, praying and planning what's next for this movement of discipleship of youth around the world!

Thankful for what both Dave and I both got to do these last few days in Vienna!

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