Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday in Frydlant

While the United States has already gone over into Daylight's Saving time, we're still on Standard time for a few more weeks, until the end of the month.

But Spring has sprung anyway!

It felt so nice to go to church this morning with a light coat on, enjoying the sunshine and warmth.

The warmth didn't stop outside! It was so sweet to see the children of our church up front being prayed for before they were off to "besídka" (Sunday school). There is just no way NOT to smile when you see those kids, eyes all open while someone is praying. (Okay, I know, mine were open too...).

Then Dave preached this morning on the passage in first Corinthians 12 about spiritual gifts. As usual, he did such a clear job of explaining what it means to be given a gift, what the purpose is, and how it should be used. Everyone was given a questionnaire to take home to help them assess what their God-given gift is.

Want to take a spiritual gifts inventory? Here's one I found online. There are lots of different tests but this is the first one to come up on Google! :)

For those who know Jonny Lobel, you'll enjoy this next picture! He just returned from a missions trip to Nepal with BMA students. So he and his son were wearing their Nepali hats after church!

It was so good to gather with our church family this morning and be encouraged by worship, the Word and fellowship!

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