Wednesday, October 7, 2015


All long days of travels start out like this...a cup of coffee and a yawn!

Up at 4:30 this morning, we were checked in at Krakow airport for our long day of travel to Chicago.

First stop, Frankfurt. And the biggest bowl of soup I think I've ever had in a restaurant!

But food, and even traveling, was not on my mind this morning. It's the thought of all those we'll see in the States over the next few weeks. Our kids, our new grandson (!!!!!), our parents, dear friends, three of our church families, and many more. I can hardly wait!

Thankfully our travels were uneventful and we ended our day here at Caleb and Haley's where I'm now watching the sunrise after a short, but good, night's sleep.

A delightful day is in front of us, celebrating Claire's birthday and seeing our kids!!

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