Monday, March 28, 2016

Anniversary on Hvar

Twenty nine years...

Of love, laughter, tears, joy, children, family, friends, memories, vacations, ministry and so so so very much more. All shared with this dear man I get to call my husband.

We've come a long ways since taking our engagement photo downtown Heidelberg, before we were married in Germany on March 28th, 1987. Who were those young kids?!

Waiting at the back of the Gedächtniskirche in Speyer on my dad's arm that chilly March day, I was simply ecstatic to see Dave at the front of the church, waiting to become my husband. Oh what a truly happy, joyful, blissful day that was!!

And life with him has continued to be better than I ever could've imagined that day. Oh how I love being married to Dave.

I woke this morning, the day of our anniversary, with the worst migraine I've had in quite a long time. I have no idea where it came from or what brought it on. But as he has so many times through these 29 years, Dave cradled my head, prayed over me, and got migraine medicine from Amy (who, praise the Lord, had some with her), staying with me until I fell asleep. How treasured and cared for I am by my dear husband.

Amazingly, the migraine broke by evening and we were able to head to Jelsa for dinner.

While cafes and ice cream shops in town were open, only one restaurant was. Thankfully it was a favorite of Mel and Amy's from the time they spent here on sabbatical last summer.

And now it's a favorite of ours too! What a sweet celebration of not only our anniversary, but a day early for Amy's 50th birthday!

I am blessed beyond words to share life with this godly, wise, strong, kind and oh so loving man. How I thank the Lord for giving me Dave to share marriage, children and life with. I pray for at least another 29 years with him, hopefully more!

"Love you so much Dave!"

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