Thursday, July 18, 2019

God Stories on a July Evening

On a day where I'd already been up at our training center at Malenovice, I took the opportunity to view it from a different angle this evening. 

Can't see it? How about now? 😁

Yes, it's a long ways over there from this side of the mountains!

What's crazy about being up here, seeing Malenovice over there, is that on this side of the mountain was the original building that we tried to buy back in 1996-98 when we were praying for a training center for JV.

If you've seen pictures of Malenovice today, you know that GOD KNEW we needed a much bigger place than that!

Back then we were also trying to buy the building next door. Years later, after we'd purchased Malenovice, that building burned to the ground and is still chained off so no one will go in.

What a good reminder that God knew then what we needed.

And knows now what we need as we continue to wait for the permits to build the event center at Malenovice. It's been 2 1/2 years since we first applied, which is about the amount of time it took us to wait on purchasing it in the first place!

I drove down from the top of the mountain, and stopped at Selah (JV's retreat house) where we were going to see some new friends.

Sven and Maria are missionaries in Germany that we've recently become acquainted with. They've been staying at Selah this week and invited Dave and I up for their last evening here.

Selah is another one of those God stories - a story of how God knew we needed something like this for our JV family so he put it on the hearts of our dear Mel and Amy, and then others, to make it happen.

It was a magical evening with this family, telling each other stories of God's faithfulness. I never tire of those kinds of stories!

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