Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Some days I have good, long, conversational prayer times with the Lord.

The words flow, I have specific things I'm praying for, and I finish feeling satisfied that I've been in communication with him.

But other days? Many days, actually....it's more like this.

Either I don't know what to pray, or the words just don't come.

Or more typically, I feel so deeply about something that I don't know what to say, or even how to pray about it.

In those times I often just sit and BE. Be in his presence. Be in his comfort. Be in communion with him.

Because I have such a heart for prayer people might imagine that I always know what or how to pray. But really, so much of the time, my prayer is like that picture. There's so much inside me, but it doesn't all make sense.

If I were the one who had put all those letters on the board (a friend posted this picture on FB so it's not mine), I would end with one more set of letters before AMEN.


Probably many of us have a "constant" that we pray. For some people it's simply, "Jesus". For others it's something else. But years ago I was actually reading a book, a novel, and the main character often expressed his agony in prayer by those letters.

Thy. Will. Be. Done.

Sometimes that's all I know how to pray. And I actually know he understands.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26.

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