Thursday, January 2, 2020


Before the family left this morning, we gathered to take a last photo all together. 

Well...not quite all together. We needed a photographer and Judah seemed up to the task! 😂

Not bad! He even made it look like the Shekhinah (Biblical Hebrew: שכינה‎ for God's presence) is with us!

While moms and dads finished packing up and ferrying things to the car, I did what was most useful.

Contrary to what it looks like, we are actually NOT watching something on my phone.

Rather, we are listening to the soundtrack of Charlie's favorite movie, "Planes 2"! Yes, it might seem an odd choice, but he listens to music all the time at his house and does have his favorites! Judah and Asher have never seen the movie, and Charlie can't really explain it, so I did my best to interpret what might be going on.

Needless to say, I haven't seen it either! It was pretty funny trying to imagine what was going on, based solely on the music and name of each song! By the end, they all had their favorite songs and kept wanting me to play them (or not, as is the case with Asher covering his ears in the picture above!).

With my love for the boys and love for music, it was the perfect way to spend our last hour together during this close to our holiday season!

Best way to close this post is with one of my favorite hashtags on Instagram!


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