Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Prayers for Victory

It's been a cloudy, rainy, windy first day here on Hvar.

We arrived last night to be here for a couple weeks of study and refueling. Dave has a lot of teaching coming in the next six months, so will begin to work on the study for it during these weeks.

Honestly, I don't know how he does it year after year, continuing to teach with such insight and excellence. He would be the first to tell you that the Lord meets him as he studies and gives him these insights into His Word; and that translates out to teaching that transforms for those who hear it!

Pray for Dave in these coming weeks, that God will again sustain him and give him His heart for all the teaching that's ahead.

I've got several projects to work on as well, and am thankful for space and time to spend on them. Pray for perseverance and insight as I work on these things.

Praise the Lord for beautiful views here that inspire me while I work!

There are a lot of demanding situations that we and our JV team our facing right now. So we'll also spend concentrated time in prayer for these things while we're here.

I sent out a letter for prayer to our JV team tonight about one of those situations happening in Ukraine tomorrow evening.

Our Edge Sports floorball program, that is reaching hundreds of young people each week, is being threatened. Pray with us for God's supernatural intervention as our Edge leader goes to meet with the man responsible for this threat. It is our JV missionary's heart's desire to not only share with this man what Edge Sports is about, but to share the Gospel as well with this Muslim man.

It is always fascinating to me when we're here on Hvar in December, that we see the best sunsets.

And that's because of the threatening clouds.

Oh how I'm praying that we'll see God's glory go forth in Ukraine through the threat that's there right now.

If you're reading this today, December 4th 2018, pray for God's victory there through this meeting!

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